Friday, February 24, 2006

edwards drive-in

there are so many things I like about the movie "junebug" it's hard to know where to start. how about with amy adams who plays ashley in the movie. her performance is scary good. you watch this character in the film thinking you've never seen a character like her on film and yet you feel like it's someone you could know, it has that ring of truth about it.

sometimes I think casting in most of what it takes to make a good movie and that's true here. everyone in the film seems perfect for their characters. celia weston, who I've seen in other films but can't say which ones, is completely uncompromising playing the mother of the family in the film. you can compliment just about anyone in the film for their performance when you start thinking about it, even small characters who have very little screen time.

there's a scene in this movie where a husband sings, he's back in his hometown for the first time since he got married, and as the scene goes along the look on his wife's face shows that she had no idea that he was such a good singer. it's an amazing scene and has a strange emotional stillness about it, like you're waiting for something to happen and when it finally does it's not what you expected. the whole movie is like that and the director weaves in very still shots of the town where this takes place and that adds to the movie as well more than it should.

there's also the question in this film about what it means to leave behind the place you came from. in this case one of the characters left behind a very religious southern town for chicago and mostly you think he had to go. in a couple scenes though you see what he's left behind that he's missing out on, or maybe you see what he's brought with him along that way. the word that kept coming into my mind was "modern", although I'm not sure why. it made me question what the word means and what it means to move towards that idea.


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