Thursday, February 02, 2006

OED definitions


1. a. One who delivers or rescues from peril.
a1300 Cursor M. 4666 His nam ai chaunged, fra at our, And cald him ‘warld sauueour’. c1375 Sc. Leg. Saints i. (Petrus) 674 And petir till hym [Paul] is can say:..far wele ay..lledar of heile and saweoure!’ 1535 COVERDALE Ecclus. xlvi. 1 A greate sauioure vnto the electe of God. 1560 J. DAUS tr. Sleidane's Comm. 120 Saynct Genevefa is the saviour of Paris. 1611 BIBLE Neh. ix. 27 Thou gauest them sauiours, who saued them out of the hand of their enemies. 1711 POPE Temp. Fame 163 Bold Scipio, saviour of the Roman state; Great in his triumphs, in retirement great. 1774 WILKES Corr. (1805) IV. 185 Those dare to persecute the saviour of India. 1871 BROWNING (title) Prince Hohenstiel-Schwangau: Saviour of Society. 1887 A. E. HOUSMAN Shropshire Lad i, To fields that bred them brave, The saviours come not home to-night.
b. transf. in nonce-uses.
c1399 CHAUCER Purse 16 (Fairf.) Now purse that ben to me my lyves lyght And saveour as doun in this worlde here. 1552 LATIMER Serm. 1st Sund. Epiph. (1584) 297 Likewise shippes and boates..vpon the Seas are Sauiours, for they saue vs from the fury, rage, and tempest of the Sea. 1804 Something Odd III. 126 Thus died the means I had looked to as the saviour of myself and children.
2. a. He who saves mankind from sin and its consequences: as a title of God, and esp. of Christ (in the latter application often Our Saviour). Now always with capital S.
a1300 Cursor M. 15015 Welcum sauuer! lang has ou ben, Al sal thoru e be bett. 13.. Coer de L. 2087 He swore a ful grete othe, By Jesu Cryst our Saviour. 1362 LANGL. P. Pl. A. XI. 66 Whi wolde god vr saueour suffre such a worm In such a wrong wyse the wommon to bigyle? a1450 MYRC Instr. Par. Priests 12 ef ow plese thy sauyoure ef thow be not grete clerk Loke thow moste on thys werk. 1472 Rec. St. Mary at Hill 16 In the name of our lord Ihesu Criste our Savyour: Amen. c1500 Lancelot 2096 This is the vyrgyne, this is the blessit flour That Ihesu bur that is our salweour. 1513 BRADSHAW St. Werburge II. 354 The yere of our saueour in his humanite viii hundreth complet .v. and seuentie. 1602 SHAKES. Ham. I. i. 159 That Season..Wherein our Sauiours Birth is celebrated. 1643 SIR T. BROWNE Relig. Med. I. §3 At the sight of a Crosse or Crucifix I can dispense with my hat, but scarse with the thought or memory of my Saviour. 1667 MILTON P.L. III. 412 Hail Son of God, Saviour of Men. a1738 SWIFT Serm. Mutual Subj. (1744) 11 Our Saviour tells us that every Man is our Neighbour. 1753 HANWAY Trav. (1762) I. III. xxviii. 121 Who is the king, the lawgiver, the redeemer, and the savior. 1813 SHELLEY Q. Mab VII. 144 Millions shall live and die, Who ne'er shall call upon their Saviour's name. 1864 TENNYSON En. Ard. 783 O God Almighty, blessed Saviour,..Uphold me, Father.
b. to receive one's Saviour, to give (a person) his Saviour, etc.: common ME. phrases referring to the reception and administration of the Eucharist.
c1400 Rom. Rose 6434 But thou yeve me my Saviour At Ester. a1450 MYRC Instr. Par. Priests 1883 And ef he aske hys sauyour, Gyf hym hyt wy gret honour. 1470-85 MALORY Arthur XVII. xi. 706 Thenne asked she her saueour and as soone as she had receyued hit the soule departed from the body.
3. Saint Saviour. (See SAINT a. 3.) a. Used in oaths. Obs. b. [= eccl. L. ecclesia Sancti Salvatoris], the title of the cathedral church of Rome, usually called St. John Lateran. c. The title of the monastic order founded by St. Bridget.
13.. Guy Warw. 5318 ou wroche glotoun losaniour, ou schalt e eld, bi seyn Sauour. c1330 Arth. & Merl. 2908 (Kölbing) Forth went anon sir Kay & ledde his fader, sir Antour, to e chirche of seyn sauour. 1728 CHAMBERS Cycl. s.v., Order of St. Saviour, is a religious Order founded by St. Bridget. 1873 J. H. BLUNT Myrr. our Ladye p. xi, The Monastery of St Saviour and St Bridget of Syon of the Order of St Augustine.
4. attrib. (appositive), as in saviour-ark, -arm, -god, -youth; also saviour-like adj.
1836 GLADSTONE in Good Words (1871) 366 Is *saviour ark That..bears the children, loved of God and blest, Unto the land of rest?
18.. SHELLEY Assassins ii. Prose Wks. 1888 II. 158 How many holy liars..would his *saviour arm drag from their luxurious couches.
1738 WESLEY Ps. XXIV. vi, This is the chosen Royal Race That seek their *Saviour-God to see.
1587 GOLDING De Mornay xxx. 568 There are two commings of Christ, the one in lowlynes.., Poore, Lowely, and *Sauiourlyke; and the other in maiestie.
1801 SOUTHEY Thalaba X. xxxv, Laila rush'd between To save the *saviour Youth.

b. Special combinations: saviour's blanket, flannel, in Sussex and Kent, a local name for several plants with greyish downy leaves, esp. lamb's ears, Stachys lanata, or mullein, Verbascum thapsus.
1882 H. FRIEND Gloss. Devonshire Plant Names 10 In Sussex the small plant (Stachys lanata) with a similar leaf is called ‘Saviour's Blanket’. 1927 V. WOOLF Jrnl. 4 July (1980) III. 144 They [sc. slightly furred cheeks] are like saviours flannel, of which she picked me a great bunch, in texture.
Hence saviouress, a female saviour; saviourhood, saviourship, the quality or fact of being a saviour.
c1553 LATIMER in Foxe A. & M. (1563) 1309/2 When men can not be content that she [sc. our Lady] was a creature saued, but as it were a sauioresse, not neding saluation. 1649 JER. TAYLOR Gt. Exemp. III. Disc. xix. 143 Polycrita Naxia [expired] being saluted the Saviouresse of her countrey. 1650 FULLER Pisgah IV. v. 91 Finding an Egyptian wronging an Israelite he kils him; shewing therein some signes of that Saviour-ship, which God intended him for. 1864 P. BROOKS Myst. Iniq., etc. xviii. (1893) 317 What if there had been for ever a Saviourhood in the Deity. 1893 Athenæum 30 Dec. 919/2 The Indian Buddhist Cult of Avalokita and his Consort Tr the Saviouress. 1900 R. J. CAMPBELL in Chr. World Pulpit 31 Jan. 71 The Saviourhood of Christ. 1905 MARZIALS Browning 49 Unfolding the mysteries of his saviourship of society.


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