iron portrait of extra reading time
in the long avenues of big dance drowning
behind the next building flies what we could be
cluttered speak passing
bad electronic keening
gated doors in the best and worst neighborhoods
on the fist of jersey joe’s face
a 12” remix of trash day
romans after greeks
a practiced pose on top of a nerve ending
pressed dead weight
yes, a soft egg
will you see that as a burden caterpillar
or will you be a little bike basket ferry plaza
hung wires in a wireless city
new cars made to take you back in time
ugly skies is all they’re talking about
not when you might
down by the ocean a windmill that lights every light in america
and still america is passing me by
I bid it adieu, adios, yippee kay ay motherfucker
somewhere close to you right now there’s a window
we make them all the time
we put them in prisons
prisoners are making windows right now
walk over during the next piano solo
make it a long walk
be it a little new agey
a little howard beale
a little eight armed deity
a carpenter from the south side by way of nazareth
pretend it’s free