Wednesday, February 21, 2007

edwards drive-in

saw "the lives of others" yesterday. it goes into the category of films that I had to sit in my seat and recover from for a moment after it finished. my favorite character in the film is played by a german actor named ulrich muhe who is a dead ringer for kevin spacey at times. in the movie he's playing a guy that seems to have that same light inside of him that spacey's character did in "seven" and you're not sure as the film goes along whether he's that kind of evil or not.

the movie starts in 1984 and that seems a fitting reference to orwell. and so does the wire-tapping in the film apply, and to current events of the last couple years. thinking about the film a day later I find myself thinking about how certain personalities fit into extreme situations. you can recognize personality traits in different characters in this film that you encounter everyday, both good and bad. then you wonder, is this how they would react if placed in a situation like east germany, under the watchful eye of the stasi.


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